Reference to Issues: 447:
A7 Embedding as a Physical Feature like entity, 474:
Editorial check of changes in CRMarcheo, 476:
Pxx represents entity of type, 478:
Quantification of AP2 discarded into (was discarded by), 480:
AP14 justified (is justification of), 484:
7.0 preparation - missing examples, 511:
Measurements and Dimensions, 518:
How do we interpret periods in the CRM, 519:
keep or deprecate P54 and P48? , 282:
mappings of CRMarceo and EH, 522:
Visual Item 3D, 294:
E55 Type relations, 524:
reformulate the scope notes of O19, O21, 360:
LRMoo, 526:
Named Graph Usage Recommendations / Guideline Document, 368:
Concept of inscription in the epigraphic sense, 528:
Guidelines and Protocols for Translating CIDOC CRM, 388:
Reference to the measurements of position of things, 529:
Deprecation of FRBRoo F20 and F25, 530:
Bias in data structure, 407:
Ordinal Property for E55 Type, 446:
The nature of A1 Excavation Process Unit
Place: CIDOC CRM SIG to be held Online on Zoom platform
Meeting Dates: 8 - 11 March, 2021
Announcement Date : 16 February, 2021