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SIG Meetings
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57th CIDOC CRM & 50th FRBR/LRMoo CRM
Reference to Issues:
harmonization of graphical documentation about CRM
, 633:
Inheritance of strong and weak shortcuts
, 321:
BP11.2 Connected through
, 609:
Interfacing the closed world assumption of NTPs with CRMinf
, 568:
Incorporate changes in the model implemented by the ISO group to the versioning pipeline of the SIG
, 519:
keep or deprecate P54 and P48?
, 650:
Scope-note update for typed properties
, 461:
Attribute Assignment of .1 properties
, 635:
property quantification mismatches
, 349:
Belief Values
, 613:
Inverse shortcuts
, 570:
FOL statements in prose -appropriate section of class/property definitions
, 523:
didactic material for the properties of E93 Presence
, 476:
Pxx represents entity of type
, 638:
Implementing .2 properties in RDF
, 360:
, 614:
Definition of I4 Proposition Set and what an instance of I2 Belief is about
, 576:
About ... entity of Type?
, 527:
Modelling provenance of Intangible Heritage
, 482:
CIDOC CRM interfacing risk assessment in conservation
, 640:
Statements about statements
, 365:
A top-level ontology on which CRM and all its extensions will be depended
, 622:
CRMarchaeo; Introductory section update
, 579:
How to model the focus or view of an observation
, 534:
Representing .1 properties of full paths in shortcut properties.
, 490:
How to model a file
, 643:
P156 occupies & P7 took place at – inverse shortcuts
, 382:
where to stop documenting the provenance
, 626:
“Official” status for FRBR/LRMoo
, 588:
Common Policy / Method for Implementing the .1 Properties of Base and Extensions in RDF
, 542:
Groups and carried out by
, 492:
Spatiotemporal formalization about the presence of parts
, 644:
Update CRM templates -shortcuts
, 408:
Rights Model Enriched
, 627:
explicitly document cross-references btw family models
, 250:
CRMgeo for Getty TGN representation
, 601:
publish research questions on the website
, 544:
CRMtex: Fragment Ordering
, 645:
negating beliefs
, 429:
P72 has Language
, 628:
Update the modelling constructs found under The Model\Use&Learn\Functional Overview
, 274:
Archetypical sounds
, 602:
determine the interface btw CRMsci and CRMinf
, 550:
Time-span for instances of I11 Situation
, 505:
Winkelmann Graphics- a prototype for diagrams exemplifying STVs and reasoning
, 439:
Approximate Dimensions
, 630:
Redraft the scope note of P38 deassigned
, 316:
co-reference statements to CRMinf
, 604:
Make SIG meetings more sustainable
, 556:
Content of the minimal vocabularies for restricting the CIDOC CRM Types
, 509:
Modifying art objects
, 647:
automatically detect incompatibilities between CRM extensions and the CIDOC CRM
Reference to releases:
Version 7.2.3
Version 7.1.2
Related Presentations:
Mapping Medieval Vienna
RCC8 for CIDOC CRM: a semantic modeling of mereological and topological spatial relations in Notre-Dame de Paris
Reconstruction beyond Representation in Notre-Dame de Paris
CIDOC CRM as a Language Level A1.pdf
P156_P7_inverse_shortcut_long paths.pptx
Draw.io to Triples.pdf
CIDOC CRM 101- ND.pdf
Didactic material for the properties of E93 Presence
Statements about Nero's whereabouts during the Great Fire of Rome (visualization and .zip
A. Gross Toward a data commons for structural assessment of built heritage works
Geovstory: LOD Research Infrastructure for Historical Sciences
Translation of CIDOC CRM and XML integration
OntoME: Automatic incompatibility detection feature
CIDOC CRM interfacing risk assessment in conservation
Hosted by:
Unité Mixte de Recherche 3495, Modèles et simulations pour l'Architecture et le Patrimoine
, Marseille, France
Meeting Dates:
13 October, 2023
Announcement Date:
9 February, 2023