Reference to Issues: 549:
revise TX5 Reading versus TX6 Transcription, 648:
shortcutting knowledge/ belief sharing , 636:
update the list of property quantifiers, 602:
determine the interface btw CRMsci and CRMinf, 556:
Content of the minimal vocabularies for restricting the CIDOC CRM Types, 649:
Redrafting the scope note of R10 has member , , 613:
Inverse shortcuts, 568:
Incorporate changes in the model implemented by the ISO group to the versioning pipeline of the SIG, 642:
CIDOC CRM Training Material , 615:
scope note of E13 Attribute Assignment, 583:
How to assign dimensions to relative positions/ to distances in space-time and other relations between observable entities, 431:
make methodology clear, 643:
P156 occupies & P7 took place at – inverse shortcuts, 621:
Update synchronization btw CRMarchaeo and CRMbase, 587:
Principles for Modelling Ontologies: A Short Reference Guide [introduction and examples for didactic purposes], 498:
the scope note of E53 can be sets of contiguous areas, 644:
Update CRM templates -shortcuts, 622:
CRMarchaeo; Introductory section update, 510:
belief adoption, 645:
negating beliefs, 625:
O13 "triggers" scope note, 588:
Common Policy / Method for Implementing the .1 Properties of Base and Extensions in RDF, 523:
didactic material for the properties of E93 Presence, 646:
redraft the introduction of CRMinf, 627:
explicitly document cross-references btw family models, 594:
semantically replacing Recording Event and Externalization Event , 533:
How to disambiguate polysemous concepts used as ontological classes, 647:
automatically detect incompatibilities between CRM extensions and the CIDOC CRM, 635:
property quantification mismatches, 601:
publish research questions on the website
Meeting Dates: 9 - 12 May, 2023
Announcement Date : 8 November, 2022